Above: AU Staff Members, Mr. Reid, Mr. Hernandez, and Ms. Alvarez review behavioral expectations in the cafeteria with Mrs. Finderup and Mrs. Caperton’s 4th grade classes.

American Union Elementary students toured their campus today, stopping in different frequently visited areas to review behavioral expectations from staff. 

As part of the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Program, students are given clear expectations at the beginning of each semester about how they should conduct themselves in places like the cafeteria, playground, hallways, etc.  PBIS emphasizes the idea that providing clear expectations and examples about how to act is important for all students.  It helps to create a positive and safe environment, so that students can focus on learning. 

Students are also rewarded for exhibiting positive behaviors throughout the campus.  Incentives range from earning an “Eagle Buck” to spend at the student store to earning the opportunity to attend a class pizza party.  Staff and students agree that PBIS is an important part of learning at AU!
