District Advisory Committee (DAC)


The purpose of the District Advisory Committee (DAC) is to advise the district regarding the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).


The DAC is made of one selected representative from each of the School Site Councils (SSC) within the district.  Each representative is selected by their SSC. The DAC includes a broad representation of the student/parent population served by the District.


DAC meetings are open to the public.  The district will convene the DAC at least three times each year to complete the LCAP development and review process.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Review the district’s LCAP dashboard data for each of the State’s identified priority areas.
  • Review the Supplemental and Concentration funds allocated for programs and services for English Learners, Low-income students and Foster Youth.
  • Advise the district on the allocation of future supplemental and concentration funding in the LCAP.

DAC Meeting Agendas

9-3-20 DAC Agenda


DAC Minutes