Distance Learning Resources for English Learners
Below are online resources to help you and your child practice important English Language Development (ELD) skills at home. Students can use these resources to practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
The following resources were recommended for use by the California Department of Education in Resources that Support Distance Learning published on March 17th. The resources are located on external websites not regularly monitored by the Washington Unified School District and are not State Board of Education (SBE) adopted materials. Washington Unified bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.
Duolingo Language Acquisition
Click here to learn a new language using Duolingo, a free language acquisition tool.
Learning English
Click here to access Beginning English Acquisition videos and more.
Unite For Literacy
Click here for free digital access to picture books, narrated in many languages.
BrainPop ELL
Click here to practice the four principle language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
¡Colorín Colorado!
Click here to go to ¡Colorín Colorado!, a bilingual website for families with resources to help your child learn to read, learn a new language, and succeed in school.