WUSD Grapevine News Season 4 Episode 2

Holidays are around the corner! Let’s take a look back at our Halloween and Thanksgiving highlights, honor Native American Heritage Month, and recognize outstanding individuals in our district!

WUSD Grapevine News Season 4 Episode 1

Welcome back to our first edition of Grapevine News Season 4! Meet some of our new staff, learn more about Pride Sports Medicine at Washington Union High and see highlights from past events! 


CalKIDS is a program from the State of California that funds up to $1,500 in free money for eligible low-income public school students to save for college and career training. Visit CalKIDS.org to learn more!

2024 Graduation/Promotions

If you missed any of the graduation/promotions you can view them all again here!

Preschool Promotion

Watch the 2024 American Union Preschool Promotion here!

Memorial Day | S3 Episode 6

Let us honor and remember those that have served in the armed forces and are no longer with us, and celebrate the accomplishments of the students at Washington Union High!


CalKIDS can kickstart a child’s future. Get free money for college!


In recognizing that September is Suicide Prevention month, the WUSD Counseling department’s goal is to continue to show support and provide awareness for suicide prevention. WUSD counselors and student support staff are available to help if you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts or a mental health crisis. You can also call or text 988 immediately.

Nutrislice Online Menus

Access your school menu by downloading the app or visiting our new website!

Register Your Child Today!

Preschool, TK & Kindergarten registration is now open!

New Students and Annual Re-registration for Existing Students

Click here to register all new students who have never enrolled in WUSD schools, or register all current and previously enrolled students in WUSD schools.

News and Announcements

composition of fruits and vegetables

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Grant

The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program is available at West Fresno and American Union.  Both schools were awarded a school grant and with this additional funding students will receive free fruit and vegetables as a snack during the school day no less than four times a week!

2024 LCAP and LCAP Annual Update

2023–24 Local Control and Accountability Plan Annual Update

2023–24 Local Control and Accountability Plan 

Parent Advisory Meeting