Please continue to check back for the most current updates. While our goal remains to be ready to safely open campuses, we are receiving weekly guidance and direction from state and local officials that greatly impact these plans. We will continue to communicate any changes to our staff, families, and community.

January 13, 2021 Update: At a regularly scheduled meeting on January 13th, the Board of Trustees approved of the District’s plan to postpone the start dates of in-person instruction for Washington Unified Schools to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Based on the latest information about rising COVID-19 cases and ICU capacity within our region, local officials, including the Fresno County Department of Public Health and the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools, have asked that schools push back planned start dates for in-person instruction for comprehensive instructional programs.

Students will continue to learn in our Distance Learning program at this time.  

WUSD has issued the following tentative schedule to begin blended learning and implementation of on-campus A/B learning groups:

February 9th: Group A, Preschool – 2nd grade

February 16th: Group A, 3rd – 5th grade (American Union will include 6th grade due to the fact it is a self-contained learning environment)

Dates for grades 6-12 will be set at a later date pending further direction from state and local officials. 
