2024 Graduation/Promotion Live Stream Links

Watch live stream graduations/promotions for West Fresno, American Union, Washington Union, Orange Center and Washington Colony!
American Union prepares for their upcoming promotion at the Washington Union Stadium | 6/4/2024









Washington Union High seniors (former West Fresno students) participate in the first-ever West Fresno graduation walk-through at West Fresno elementary and middle school. | 5/30/24 (Scan the QR code above to see more pictures!)

American Union prepares for their promotion ceremony | 6/4/2024

WUSD maintenance team hard at work preparing for promotions and graduation | 6/4/2024

WUSD mainteance team building the backdrop | 6/4/2024

West Fresno Middle prepares for their upcoming promotion ceremony | 6/4/2024

Orange Center Elementary School | Wednesday June 5th at 9:00am

Washington Colony Elementary | Wednesday June 5th at 6:30pm

American Union Elementary | Thursday June 6th at 11:30am

West Fresno Middle School | Wednesday June 5th at 11:30am

Washington Unified Alternative Education | Thursday June 6th at 9:00am

Washington Union High School | Friday June 7th at 7pm
