Registration Now Open!

Click here to register your new or existing student online through our Aeries Parent Portal.

Cap and Gown Information for 2021 Graduates

Click here for information about ordering your cap and gown for the 2021 graduation ceremony!

Updates from the Principal

Coffee With the Principal

Click here to watch the latest recording of Coffee with the Principal!


Washington Unified Alternative Education Students and Parents/Guardians:

Welcome to the Washington Unified Alternative Education Program.  With options including On-Campus, Independent Study, Online and an Adult School, we offer an education to match the needs of our students and their families. 

At Easton High School, our students attend campus daily and engage in individualized classes/curriculum designed to help them recover credits and advance toward a High School Diploma. In addition to traditional school work, our students are also exposed to athletics, activities and other events that contribute to a positive campus culture. 

Through our Independent Study Program (ISP) at ELM High, students have the option of traditional workbook/packet curriculum or online schooling. Our ISP is a long established option for students to earn their diploma when the home setting best fits their needs. 

Finally, Washington Unified Adult School is in place for individuals to return to school and work toward their High School Diploma. Done through an online program, Adult School students can earn credits and take classes while devoting time to their other adult responsibilities. In addition to High School Diploma courses, our Adult School also offers classes in the areas of ESL and Basic Computer Skills.

We are very proud of the many educational options available through our Alternative Schools. Comprehensive services are provided to our students, families, and the community in our specialized and unique way.

Grant Thor

Principal of Alternative Education Programs, Washington Unified School District

Resources for Families

PowerSchool Parent and Student Sign-In

Click here to access PowerSchool

Social Emotional Resources

Click here to find social-emotional resources for students and families.

Community Resources for Families

Click here for community resources available to families in Fresno County.
Welcome to the Washington Unified School District Alternative Education Program. We are proud to offer students in our district options for their education. We strive to make our program meet the goals of the individuals we serve. Our program consists of three schools with unique purposes to support and meet the needs of students and their families.

Easton High School

Easton High School is located a quarter mile from Washington Union High School near the John Ventura Stadium. The Easton High campus is a positive atmosphere with small classrooms where students that are credit deficient can work toward being transferred to WUHS on graduation track or focus on earning their High School Diploma through our site.

Easton Community Day School

Like Easton High School, Easton Community Day School is also located on the site near WUHS. Easton Community Day serves students with attendance and/or behavior challenges. The school provides curriculum in Life Skills, Character, Drug and Alcohol Prevention, Social and Emotional Care areas along with traditional core subject education.

E.L.M. High School

In addition to the two on campus schools, our Alternative Education Program also offers Independent Study through ELM High School. Both in-person and online programs are available to students. 

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