Educational Support Services
Student Transfers
Inter-district transfer request for the upcoming school year will begin after April 1st of each year.
WUSD will not accept any transfers for current school year after March 18th of each school year.

Inter-district transfer requests must be submitted to the student’s district of residence.
For transfer requests received 15 or fewer calendar days before the start of instruction in the school year for which the transfer is sought, the district will notify parents of its final decision within 30 calendar days of receiving the request.
For transfer requests received 16 or more calendar days before the start of instruction in the school year for which the transfer is sought, the district will notify parents of its final decision as soon as possible, but no later than 14 calendar days after the start of the instruction in that school year.
Washington Unified District Office will inform parent/guardian by mail if approved or denied.
If no action is taken within 30 days, the parent/guardian has the right to appeal. If denied, appeals may be first made at Washington Unified School District (559) 495-5637. Appeals may also be made at the Fresno County Office of Superintendent of Schools (559) 265-3003. Appeals should be made within 30 days of the denial date or failure to issue an Inter-district Transfer Agreement decision.
Inter-district Transfer
Agreement Request
If parent/guardian resides within the Washington Unified School District boundaries and requests for student to attend a school district other than Washington Unified School District.
Intra-District Transfer
Agreement Request
If parent/guardian resides within the Washington Unified School District boundaries and desires to transfer to a different school that is in Washington Unified School District.
Inter-District Transfer
Agreement Request
If parent/guardian resides outside the Washington Unified School District boundaries and desires the student to attend Washington Unified School District. The transfer agreement must be completed with the district of residence.
Terms of Inter-district Transfer Agreement:
- Children will not be enrolled at a requested school until Inter-district Agreements are approved by both districts and after it is determined that space is available in the requested grade, program, and/ or school.
- Students who have been approved to attend Washington Unified School District on an Inter-district Transfer Agreement must remain in good standing with academic effort, behavior, and attendance. Approval may be revoked and the student may need to return to his/her district of residence if a student is not in good standing.
- Inter-district Agreements may be canceled at any time during the school year due to enrollment rates or due to unsatisfactory attendance, academic progress, or behavior of students (based on individual district policies).
- Providing incorrect information will cause this request to be revoked.
- Parents are responsible for transportation.
- Parents must resubmit an Inter-district Transfer Agreement request each year for
re-approval, prior to their student re-enrolling in the requested school each Fall.